“Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You” –Dr. Wayne Dyer

I found this quote and heard Dr. Dyer tell his personal stories on PBS years after I’d already fulfilled one of my passions—creating and self-publishing an instrumental music album. I discussed the entire creative process below in a personal story. After the CD, I published a fiction and am working on several books at the moment. Writing, for me is passion and a career that I’m building. Music publishing was totally a passionate affair.

What is your passion?

I believe everyone has a passion and sometimes people don’t know what it is. Life happens and we get buried in obligations and that special dream and passion remains dormant until it’s too late. A lot of people expressed their regrets in the deathbed of not following their passions. “If only I had the time.”

I remember after I’d published my music album years ago, my elder brother expressed his desire to learn film-making. Although his career had taken most of his time, I believed that if he wanted to he could’ve made time to take a class or two and then venture out on making film-shorts for a start. I told him, “Make a decision and go take a class.” Needless to say, fourteen years have gone by, but he hadn’t tried. I’m not sure if this is his greatest passion. Probably not.

Well, whatever is yours, I hope that you’d pursue it before it’s too late.
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